Lone Wolf Attacks

  • Beau Doboszenski, Owner/Lead Instructor

  • Originally published November 28th, 2016

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably know that Ohio State was attacked today.

Currently, it looks like the killer tried to run people over with his car before getting out and attacking others with an edged weapon.

A few important things to learn from this event:

  1. Violent attacks can occur at any time and at any place. When you can't be in a Safe Environment - that's somewhere YOU control the access and there are no threats present - you need to be constantly scanning.

  2. Vehicle born attacks are becoming increasingly common. (Nice, France) This means that if you're on foot, you have to become hyper-vigilant of others in vehicles.

  3. Once the attack has begun, based on the best practices of defense, you have three choices: retreat, shelter in place, or attack, and depending upon your position in the heat of the event, all three are valid choices.

If you can retreat and save lives, do so, especially if you're less than aptly armed to handle the threat.

If you cannot retreat, but can barricade and defend a common space, do so. This is much easier to do than you would expect, and you have lots of opportunities in that defense to defeat your threat if they attack in your hardened position. You may also have lots more time for Law Enforcement Response in your defensive hold.

If you find yourself in a place where you are directly under assault, OR through your actions you may be able to disrupt, distract, or even defeat the threat, you may choose to attack. Remember that threats like we saw today, don't usually run off and commit suicide like the typical "active shooter," they will often fight to the bitter end.

This is where, DMTers, it's critical that our skills are current and sharp. A fast draw and good round placement could mean the difference between life and death for you or another.

So here's the conclusion, if you aren't coming to Thursday night classes, please do.

If you're not local to come into class, please pick up the Concealed Carry Masters Course and Home Defense Rifle so your firearm skills can continue to develop. If you can't do that, check out the Drill of the Week and practice a little bit at a time.

For you and your family, get Avoid-Deter-Defend, our situational awareness course so that you can identify threats quickly and take POSITIVE action for your defense as soon as possible.

Stay safe.