2018 Training Newsletters
Sorted by Date
Newsletter 1/17/18 - Great Instructors vs. others
Most people seem to think that firearms training and trainers are holding back some kind of a secret. That from this trainer or that trainer, you can learn the mystical ninja-tastic ways of the gun. Bull.
Newsletter 1/24/18 - Speed up your draw
To develop the fastest defensive draw possible, here are just a few critical elements to work on.
Newsletter 2/2/18 - Start with your most immediate threat
Dealing with multiple targets is critical for the defender. The concept of “Gang Fu” as the most widely practiced and effective martial art in the world is often discussed in DMT classes - attackers often come in packs.
Newsletter 2/8/18 - Transitions and protecting the firearm
Last week we discussed the possibility of facing multiple threats at once, and the concept of Threat Immediacy. Now that you know how to determine who to engage first, let's move on to the methods of target transition.
Newsletter 2/15/18 - Draw your handgun faster
In this newsletter, we're going to look at four different methods of presenting the firearm and examine where "gains" in speed or efficiency early in the draw could actually be a loss in effectiveness and speed later in your draw.
Newsletter 2/23/18 - 5 secrets of concealed carry
I want to offer you some of the most important observations I have made through 13 years of carrying concealed, including what I learned over 10 years as a professional instructor, observing thousands of students. These 5 secrets will help you avoid the pain I had to go through to fix all of these mistakes, and help you fast forward to being a confident, effective Citizen Defender.
Newsletter 3/1/18 - Two disasters strike close to home
I've lived through two disasters in the last two weeks.
newsletter 3/8/18 - the evolution of concealed carry
In this week's Training Newsletter, I want to take you through the journey concealed carry should involve. Nothing I'm going to tell you is a secret, but not everyone learns this early in their training so you may have missed some crucial steps.
newsletter 3/16/18 - faster shooting isn’t always better
I love exploring the finer points of effective firearms use, and I’ve become especially interested in trigger modulation. What is trigger modulation? It’s how you as a shooter should vary the speed of trigger depression and reset based upon speed, standard of accuracy, and capability.
newsletter 3/25/18 - edc pocket dump
Each spring I go through my Everyday Carry (EDC) gear because over the course of a year, some of my needs may change. As warmer weather approaches the frozen tundra where I live, I wanted to take you through my EDC to give you a few ideas of what you could easily carry on body for effective defense.
newsletter 3/29/18 - all war is deception
You started working on your defensive skills because you want to help. Not just to help yourself, but also to help others. So in the middle of the night let's say you hear screaming outside of your front door. A woman begging, pleading for help. What do you do?
newsletter 4/19/18 - what is the best tourniquet?
Tourniquets have been used by soldiers on the battlefield since the conquest of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, and they are making a major comeback as a prominent tool for the defender's Every Day Carry (EDC).
newsletter 4/30/18 - Tactical debrief: when chaos hits, literally: toronto van attack
Last week, a rented van plowed through pedestrians along a street on the north side of Toronto, Canada. For a mile he drove over anyone that happened to be in his way on the sidewalk, including someone pushing a stroller.
newsletter 5/4/18 - lessons from shooting a micro-compact
I found both some positives and negatives, and came up with some modifications that could make the micro-compact handgun run much more effectively.
newsletter 5/11/18 - rules of a violent encounter
This may seem like an odd question, or maybe a legal question, but it’s worth exploring. We know that violent encounters on the street don’t have the same “rules” as an MMA fight or wrestling match, but are there any constraints or overarching rules that apply?
newsletter 5/25/18 - how to be on the right side of the law in self-defense
In the words of self-defense legal expert and my good friend, John Caile, “juries don’t like it when people are killed over stuff.” The Statute Law is like the tip of the iceberg.
newsletter 6/8/18 - tactical shooting and moving
A consistent feature in defensive literature is the concept of “getting off the X.” In military parlance, an ambush is set by creating two interlocking fields of fire from a unit. Those fields of fire interlock to make an ‘X.’ Therefore, to get out of an ambush, it is crucial to get out of that area of interlocking fire or “off the X.”
newsletter 6/21/18 - tactical on a budget
Without a zillion dollar budget, how could I ever compete? You can. Let me show you how.
newsletter 6/29/18 - dmt works in real life and in competition
In two recent examples, DMT's training method has proven effective for not only citizens and law enforcement that need to use firearms at the defense of their lives, but also for people who enjoy competitive shooting.
newsletter 7/16/18 - the art of defense
Defensive Mindset Training has partnered with Viridian Weapon Technologies to bring you a new online video series called "The Art of Defense."
newsletter 8/2/18 - FAQ: why do you think dmt is better?
I get frequent phone calls and emails about training with DMT, including a wide variety of questions and comments. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked DMT questions.
newsletter 8/8/18 - the next step after you shoot
The goal of the 360 degree check is to: identify more threats, avenues of escape, and/or find someone that can help you. Let’s go through each of these pieces.
newsletter 8/17/18 - critical post fight procedures
Many defenders rarely (or never) practice their Pre-Fight and Post-Fight routines. This is actually a very big problem, as the Pre-Fight, if done well, may help you avoid any conflict at all, and Post-Fight routines can save your life and help you keep your freedom once the conflict has ended.
newsletter 8/30/18 - real life example of why fundamentals matter
We Defenders need to use this tragedy as an opportunity for self-reflection: are we doing what we NEED TO DO to carry a firearm correctly?
newsletter 9/6/18 - what you don’t know about permit to carry
Aside from proving you can handle a firearm, what’s the point of the Permit to Carry course?
newsletter 9/8/18 - tactical debrief: cincinnati bank shooting
On September 6th, a man armed with a legally purchased handgun and a briefcase of extra ammunition entered the lobby of the Fifth Third Center Bank in Cincinnati, Ohio. Without any warning, the killer began shooting people inside the center at random, killing three and injuring two.
newsletter 9/13/18 - train this skill right now
Here’s a skill that will dramatically increase your ability to defend yourself: The Threat Scan.
newsletter 10/4/18 - the five defensive responses
All defensive and offensive techniques fall within five I have listed here.
newsletter 10/15/18 - car defense tactics
I watched a video this week where some protestors got into a confrontation with a motorist at an intersection in Portland, Oregon. The situation sparked the thought: what vehicle defense tactics are critical for the citizen defender?
newsletter 11/8/18 - tactical debrief: borderline bar attack
Borderline Bar was a target-rich environment on Wednesday night, with news outlets estimating more than 100 people inside.
newsletter 11/14/18 - an encounter with a lunatic
I am writing to tell you about an encounter I had. I’m pretty sure that your training saved me.
newsletter 11/29/18 - how to work with leo post fight
In DMT classes we talk about the Post-Fight Procedures. These are the steps that you take following a defensive encounter that are critical for both your physical safety and your legal safety.
newsletter 12/13/18 - tactical debrief: strasbourg christmas market
Strasbourg’s markets have become the targets of terrorism. And in a way, it makes sense. The holiday is an affront to the terrorist’s belief system. The area is heavily populated with soft targets.