Full Spectrum Defense

Post-Fight Survival Actions:

Lessons 1-7


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 1 - 5 minutes

In this lesson, we will overview the Post-Fight Actions.


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 2 - 18 minutes

You need to have a plan, or you will do nothing.


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 3 - 10 minutes

Be ready for more threats and incoming Law Enforcement.


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 4 - 16 minutes

Medical checks and stop the bleed.


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 5 - 9 minutes

Regain control of your mind and call 911 effectively.


Post-Fight Actions: Lesson 6 - 14 minutes

Protect yourself when Law Enforcement gets on the scene.


Post-Fight Actions: Quiz - 4 minutes

Test your Post-Fight knowledge!