Defender 101 & 201
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Welcome to Defender 101 and 201. This is a program that was designed to guide brand new firearms owners or prospective firearms owners into the some times overwhelming and confusing world of firearms ownership and defensive training. We want to give you all of the information you need so that you can be the most informed and responsible firearms owner possible. If you are more experienced, you can move on to Defender 201 as you’d like.
Here’s how you maximize this training system:
Start by downloading and printing the syllabus. This will allow you to track where you are in the Defender 101 and 201 courses.
Each of the sessions has a primary video, and in some sessions a student guide, and in some sessions a drill video (called Bonus Features or Drill Video).
Start by quickly scanning the session overview and goals. Then watch the primary session video, maybe even watch it twice. You can feel free to go through the whole series before working on any of the Drill Videos(Bonus Features).
Then, if the session has one, go to the Drill Video(Bonus Features). If you have a SIRT pistol, use that, or a completely unloaded and cleared handgun using a Dry Fire Mag, to follow along with the dry and live fire sessions in the drill video. If possible use the dry fire drills outlined in the Student Guide (if that class has one) to practice the dry fire drills at least 1 more time before moving on to the next topic.
Then, utilizing the live fire drills outlined in the Student Guide, go the range and conduct the live fire course of fire. Remember, as this video system is online, you can always go back to the corresponding Drill Video and review how to conduct any course of fire while at the range if you have internet access via a mobile device.
Now that you’ve watched the Primary Video, the Drill Video, if one is connected to the session, practiced the skills in dry fire, then practiced them in live fire, you’re all set to move on to the next session!
At any point you need to review a skill or concept, re-watch the video on the topic.
Keep in mind that this system was designed to inform and educate you, but there is much more to do after you’re finished with Defender 101 and 201. If you have any questions please contact us at and reference Defender 101 Question in the subject line.
Train hard and stay safe!
Defender 101
Class 1 - Introduction to Defender University - Full Spectrum Defense (You should have watched this before selecting the Defender 101 (Guided Path)
class 2 - Gundamentals Session 1 - Part 1
- Language of Handguns
Class 3 - Gundamentals Session 1 - Part 2
- Language of Handguns Cont.
Class 4 - Gundamentals Session 2
- Loading and Unloading
Class 5 - Gundamentals Session 3
- Shooting Fundamentals
Class 6 - Gundamentals Session 4
- The Range Tour
Class 7 - Gundamentals Session 5
- Live Fire
Class 8 - Gundamentals Session 6
- Maintenance
Class 9 - Gundamentals Session 7
- Storage
Class 10 - Gundamentals Session 8
- Choosing a Handgun and The Buying Process
Defender 201
Defender 201 is the next step on your defensive firearm journey. In this course, you’re going to get a collegiate level education on firearm use, defense, situational awareness, and post fight actions. When this course is over, you’ll have the foundation you’ll need to become the most effective citizen defender you can be, and it will really open up all of the drills and training available in the rest of the Defender University!
Make sure you’ve downloaded and printed the syllabus if you haven’t already!
Class 11 - Situational Awareness Session 1
- Plan of Action
Class 12 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 1
- Never Unarmed
Class 13 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 1
- Drill Video
Class 14 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 2
- Shooting Fundamentals
Class 15 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 2
- Drill Video
Class 16 - Post Fight Actions Session 1
- Overview of Actions
Class 17 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 3
- The Draw
Class 18 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 3
- The Draw - Drill Video
Class 19 - Post Fight Action Session 2
- Get to Safety
Class 20 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 2
- Threat ID
Class 21 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 4
- Deterrence
Class 22 - Concealed Carry masters Course Session 4
- Deterrence - Drill Video
Class 23 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 3
- Threat Matrix
Class 24 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 5
- Reloads
Class 25 - Concealed Carry Masters Course Session 5
- Reloads - Drill Video
Class 26 - Post Fight Actions Session 3
- Tactical Reloads in depth
Class 27 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 4
- Scanning Process
Class 28 - Concealed Carry Masters Course
- Session 6 - Malfunctions
Class 29 - Concealed Carry masters course
- Session 6 - Malfunctions - Drill Video
Class 30 - Post Fight Actions Session 4
- Basic Tactical Medicine
Class 31 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 5
- Environment Assessment
Class 32 - Concealed Carry masters Course
- Session 7 - Multiple Targets and Target Transitions
Class 33 - Concealed Carry Masters Course - Session 7
- Multiple Targets and Transitions - Drill Video
Class 34 - Post Fight Actions Session 5
- Square Breathing and 911 Call
Class 35 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 6
- Personal Condition Levels
Class 36 - Concealed Carry Masters Course - Session 8
- Dynamic Weapon Positions
Class 37 - Concealed Carry Masters Course - Session 8
- Dynamic Weapon Positions - Drill Video
Class 38 - Post Fight Actions Session 6
- Law Enforcement Response
Class 39 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Session 7
- Extras and Modifiers
Class 40 - Pre-Fight Situational Awareness Test
Class 41 - Post Fight Actions Test
training tools
There are several great training tools that we used in our training programs. Check out the page on these tools and if you don’t have them, consider purchasing them through DMT or one of our great partners!