Glock style SIRT
If you don't have a SIRT, why in all that is tactical - not?
If you didn't know, I HATE the word "tactical," I'll explain in a different post, but suffice it to say, WHY DON'T you own a SIRT?
The SIRT (Self Indicating Resetting Trigger) is a simulation firearm that has the same size and weight of either a Glock 17/22 or a Smith & Wesson M&P. There are two lasers in the muzzle of the SIRT and one laser can be adjusted for your sights, the other to use as an indicator of your trigger finger discipline.
Smith&Wesson style SIRT
I've been using this tool to train Citizen Defenders at SMT for years and I can't tell you how great the SIRT pistol is for training them as well as in training myself. You can get thousands of repetitions of draws, shot strings, reloads, malfunctions, etc., etc., etc., without ever firing a single round of ammunition. $avings!
Now some trainers and shooters will look at this kind of training and think it's pointless, but in fact, the opposite is true. Remember that 99.9999% of your defense or competition or (God help me :| ) "tactical" action happens BEFORE and AFTER the bang and recoil of a live round. With using only Blue Guns or Live Firearms, you limit your ability to develop the neural pathways necessary to produce superior handgun skill in real world situations. (I don't know about you, but I'm not letting you do scenario training on me with that live firearm, and I teach these firearm skills for a living! And the Blue Gun gives you zero feedback as to whether or not you hit the target when you depress the trigger.)
Mike Hughes
Next Level Training, the makers of the SIRT, have been great friends and supporters of SMT. (Big shout out to Mike Hughes!) They have a SIRT to fit your budget and your situation (Metal slide if you beat them up - like me :) or plastic slide if you can be nice to it.)
Use the Promo code: sealed for a 15% discount on your next SIRT.