Remote Coaching

Have a specific question that needs an answer? Or maybe you've been having a consistent problem with your shooting that you can't solve? Maybe you've never had a professional look at your shooting, drawing, or immediate action technique and you really want to know how you're doing or how you can improve?

The Defensive Mindset Training offers Remote Coaching at a discounted price to Digital Training Academy Members - $25 dollars off! Film yourself doing one of the recommended courses of fire or discuss with a DMT coach your specific issue and film the element you are struggling with and a DMT coach will review your video and give specific feedback and drills to help you get to the next level.

Example Course of Fire for all camera angles:

  • Piece by piece, build your best shooting position - 1 shot - reset assess - 360 Check (repeat 2-3 times)

  • Piece by piece, build your best shooting position - 5-10 shots(fast speed) - reset assess - 360 check (repeat 2 times)

  • Draw - 1 shot - reset assess - 360 check (repeat 2-3 times)

Dry Fire Camera Angles

  • Camera to the front showing waist up

  • Camera to either side showing waist up

Dry Fire - Camera Angle Straight On

Dry Fire - Camera Filming Left Side

Dry Fire - Camera Filming Right Side


Live Fire Camera Angles

  • Camera to either side showing waist up

  • Picture of target following the COF to confirm body assessment with end result

Live Fire - Filming Left Side

Live Fire - Filming Right Side

Take a picture of the target you used AFTER your filming.